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Here I will be explaining each photo's meaning on why I chose this theme. My theme; is the best pictures done on the worst days. 


Swimming on Pavement: I did not follow a tutorial for this. I was a picture online and was determined to make this without one. It was tough, but I got it done with a great outcome. Sure, it isn't perfect, but there is a bright side to everything. 


Car Girl: This was my first ever composition, which was very stressful. There was a lot of difficulties doing this since I had no idea what any tools were. Some of it is rough, but I'm still happy with it no matter what.


Deer in Mist: Deer in the Mist was the most difficult out of any since it had Gradient and Panning involved. I love the outcome, and I believe it's my best piece of anything to date. This took days, if not a full week. 


Playing in her Head: This piece is about a young boy stuck in a women's head after losing him in the caves. She doesn't believe he is still around, but the boy is really playing in her mind, on a tire swing. 


Calming Down: This was one of those days, where Shealynn was actually in a good mood, but still wasn't very nice; as usual. I know I did not take this photo, but this is one of my personal favorites. It was taken with my camera & settings if that counts at all!



Lowkey Everything: Again, another photo I did not take, but I did all the editing. I love everything about this photo, including the small red dotting due to a plane or the ISS in Space. This photo has such character, showing all the detailing inside the photo. I believe that everyone at this session had enough stress, but to take a photo & have such small imperfections is even more stressful.

Brandon Tietz Portfolio

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